Sunday, 9 June 2013

Spring Bank Holiday, Part Two: Flaming Lips

For the end of my rather pathetic bank holiday weekend, I decided to do something cool ... so mid-afternoon on Monday I brought a ticket for the rescheduled Flaming Lips gig at the Roundhouse. I had intended to go the previous Tuesday, but half an hour of migraine induced blurred version at work convinced me that maybe I wasn't quite up to attending a gig that day. Nevermind.

Rolled over to Camden to collect ticket and spent an hour dossing around before the gig.

It was pretty busy. The markets were packed. Decided to head into the venue when it open at seven. Found a good spot. Sat down. And read my book for a while. Yup, rock 'n' roll all the way. It was a manga called Bunny Drop. Can't remember how I came across it. Kinda slice of life (although a bit too plot heavy to accurately fit that description) about a thirty year old bachelor who takes in his grandfather's illegitimate six year old. Really good book. Read the first two volumes, so far. Need to pick up the next couple.

Anyway, support was provided by Black Books. They were from Texas. I don't want to say that's all I remember about them, but ... that wouldn't be far from the truth. They were reasonably good. Not sure I'll be rushing out to buy their album though.

The crowd seemed pretty chilled, although I did end up standing next to some fairly idiotic students ... alas it's likely that I sounded idiotic when I was 18/19 and I'm probably just jealous that I'm no longer a student. Nothing will beat the crowd from the Jodrell Bank gig in July 2011. So friendly. Especially remember the bumble bee who was seeing them for the third night running. I was only on my second night. And the two guys who wore massive dog costumes all days (despite the searing heat) and were always happy to stick their heads on for photos. The Soft Bulletin gig at Alexandra Palace was pretty special too.

Back to 2013. The stage set they used was pretty interested. Wayne microphone stand was linked to the back of the stage via ... umbilical cords, which shimmered with light in time to the music. He was also on a podium. The rest of the band faded into the background a little.

The histrionics have also being toned down. Alas, no space ball to start the set with. To be honest, it did make sense. The Terror isn't really an optimistic album. It's quite downbeat at times. Even the confetti was black! There sure was lots of it though. I've been finding that confetti about my room, bag and person for nearly two weeks now. Seriously, there was some in the bathroom yesterday.

During the gig, the focus was firmly placed on Wayne ... backed up by a spectacular use of lighting.

Not sure he'd completely recovered from his illness the previous week, but he's such a magnetic stage presence that it was fairly irrelevant. His voice seemed to hold up fine.

The set list focussed on songs from The Terror. Some old songs from the 90's were thrown in, although I wasn't so familiar with those. Race For The Prize was slowed right down, until the final chorus. There were also a couple of songs from Yoshimi. All We Have Is Now was a particular highlight. The songs from The Terror stood up really well though. Try To Explain is a masterpiece.

If the gig lacked the euphoria of the previous two times I've seen them, it still packed an emotional punch. The Flaming Lips are definitely a band that aren't content to rest on their laurels. The light show was pretty spectacular. Wayne stopped the gig for five to ten minutes to allow one girl to receive medical assistance. Presumably a reaction. I saw another person getting treatment as I left the venue. I'm not sure that's an endorsement, as such.

So, the setlist ... as taken from

* Look...The Sun Is Rising (The Terror)
* The Terror (The Terror)
* The W.A.N.D. (At War With The Mystics)
* Unconsciously Screamin' (In a Priest Driven Ambulance)
* Try to Explain (The Terror)
* Race for the Prize (The Soft Bulletin)
* Moth in the Incubator (Transmissions from the Satellite Heart)
* Butterfly, How Long It Takes to Die (The Terror)
* Heroes (David Bowie cover)
* Turning Violent (The Terror)
* Do You Realize?? (Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots)


* Virgo Self-Esteem Broadcast (Embryonic)
* Silver Trembling Hands (Embryonic)
* All We Have Is Now (Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots)
* Always There, ... In Our Hearts (The Terror)

Obviously, I'd always love to see more songs from the Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots. Yoshimi is the first Flaming Lips album I brought. It'll probably always be my favourite. It was good to see songs from The Terror performed live.

This is the rather cool poster that I brought at the gig. It even has Wayne scribbles on it.

Ah, naked guitar women. You are so very cool.

Will definitely go to see the Flaming Lips next time they're in town, although don't think I'll make it to Bestival in September ... probably not.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Spring Bank Holiday, Part One: Films

So, last weekend was the spring bank holiday. Three days with no great plans. Shining sun. London to explore. Alas, I finished work on Friday with a fever. Awesome timing. Still, managed to do a couple of cool things ... despite spending most of the 3 days chilling in my room.

Decided to head out on Saturday afternoon to see Star Trek Into Darkness. I really liked the 2009 reboot. It was a great blockbuster film. Not so sure about Into Darkness. Suppose my expectations were much higher. Although there was lots to like and I did enjoy it, ... upon leaving the cinema it just all felt a bit stupid. Characters didn't really develop. Any actions felt like they were taken to further the plot, as opposed to having a logical basis in terms of the individual character. Consequences lasted for a matter of moments, before everything was kind of okay again.

In the evening I watched Baseketball with my flatmates. Late 90's film, starring Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame. It's pretty funny. Most importantly, Reel Big Fish are the half-time band:

Never used to be fussed about ska-punk, ... but the influence of others and seeing Reel Big Fish live a total of three times now has converted me. Beer is probably up there with my favourite songs. If you ever get chance to see them play, do it. So much fun.

um, hello [waves]

Okay, so I say this every few months or so ... but I really intend to start updating this blog more often. Maybe once a week or so. Probably. At least, so that I can mention some cool things that I've been up to. This seems like a good week to start.